Friday, August 21, 2009

Pearl S. Buck Is Excellent

Not that her memory needs any praise from me, as many more knowledgeable, learned people have extolled her work for years. But I just had to stop and! "The Good Earth" is is such a wonderful read so far.

It's not like you open it and are immediately dazzled, like a deer caught in headlights who can't look away. It's more like a subtle creeping up, an easy flow of words, and suddenly *bam!* you're caught. The grasp of culture, the way every day life is described, the fulfillment and the sadness, it's all there, wrapped in a world I don't know, but one I can understand. Even though these people are, outwardly, so different from me, there are so many common threads that are simply about life and the struggle to live it, that the story is crossing the time and culture barriers.

For now, I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying this book. I'm half way through it, and I only opened it yesterday. However, I can tell the story is about to fall into a difficult area, where I might find myself wanting to reach through the pages and smack a few heads together. But again, what's a great life story without the foul ups?

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