Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Far, So...Far

With kids on Easter Holiday break, it's harder to read than I'd anticipated. Lots of stuff planned, lots of family activities, lots of fun, but little time to crack a book. However, I am trying, and what I've read so far in "An Old Fashioned Girl" is very Louisa May Alcott. I don't know any other way to describe it.

She has a way with words that just seems to flow. The scenes are set up very quickly so far in this one. So quickly in fact, that there are times I go back and read a bit slower, just to make sure that I have the setting correct. But even with that, it feels very easy to fall into this story.

The characters are drawn very well; I've yet to meet a thin layered character, even if they seem like it at first glance. But from what I've read of Alcott, this is very par for the course. Everyone ends up with more depth than originally anticipated, and the story shows more about human development than you might have thought possible. I can already see that happening just a few chapters into "An Old Fashioned Girl".

I'm looking forward to seeing how the plot turns in the next few days and weeks.

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