Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ecclectic Isn't Bad, Is It?

We took another trip to the library. This has become a weekly occurrence, considering my children read at the speed of lightening. While I was there, I decided to simply browse the shelves, and pick up the books on my list that struck me as interesting. When I checked out, I realized I'd exchanged Middlemarch (which I still haven't finished) and I'd added F. Scott Fitzgerald and Susan Hill. For some reason, part of me really felt like a little scare, and Susan Hill's book looked like it would fit the bill. The Fitzgerald book was one that I don't have on my list, but I'm going to pretend is there. Middlemarch I am still struggling with. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble getting through it. It's not a terrible book, and I do think I've mellowed my judgment on the story. And yet I can't get through a few pages without having to put it down and take a deep breath. It's well written. The characters are all fleshed out. The scenes are easy to picture. I just don't know why I'm having issues.

So, I have three books waiting to be read (I'll pick Middlemarch back up Friday). As I usually do, I'll read them in bits and pieces (which drives my husband crazy), exchanging one for the other throughout the day as I have a few minutes to read. It should make for an interesting few weeks.

On a side note, we just discovered bunny rabbits playing in our front yard. Two large, brown ones with floppy ears. We think they've dug a rabbit hole beside the oak in our front yard. Either way, it was fun to watch them play, and the kids got a kick out of it. Maybe we'll even see baby bunnies pop their heads up in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Philip O'Mara said...
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