Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Been A Long Month

It's almost been a month since I've posted. It's been a very long month. Without going into detail, I'll say that family comes first, but they can sure be exhausting. Do you have any idea how many types of retirement homes there are? Types, not actual places. It boggles the mind.

Anyway, I've finally posted my review of "The Spy Who Came In From The Cold". You'll find it below. Liked it, but didn't like it. That's summary in one sentence. I've moved on to other books. I'm struggling with the latest one, but did pick up a few "breather" books (stories I read every once in a while between heavy stories). One of them is an F. Scott Fitzgerald book that I should have had on my list. I'll just pretend it's there, and make it a 101 list.

Sorry that this is short, but I do intend to be back in the next few days to straighten up the blog and say hello. Happy Reading!

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